MCE2024: Galileo TV interviews Bente Tranholm Schwarz, from European Commission

During MCE2024, Centro Studi Galileo interviewed Bente Tranholm Schwarz, Deputy Head of the European Commission.

The interviews by Galileo TV continue, this time conducted during MCE 2024: it’s the turn of Bente Tranholm Schwarz from the European Commission, with whom we discussed the new F-Gas Regulation and its impact on the industry.

You can watch the interview by clicking on the player at the beginning of the article. Enjoy the show!

This article is brought to you by Centro Studi Galileo, the most authoritative Training Center in Europe, considered one of the first in the world, for training activities (Courses) and information (European Conference) in the refrigeration and air conditioning sectors. Founded in 1975, it has trained around 60 thousand Technicians and has always collaborated with international entities, developing partnerships of the highest level with the United Nations, the International Institute of Refrigeration, and the European Commission. The United Nations have chosen Centro Studi Galileo for the training of Technicians in developing countries. It is the publisher of Industria&Formazione,the first Italian magazine in the sector. From Centro Studi Galileo, the European F-Gas Certificate for refrigeration technicians and the Italian F-Gas Certificate are born, complying with European and national regulations. These certifications have allowed Italian refrigeration technicians to compete with low-cost labor and give full dignity to a profession that has long deserved recognition, providing a license to technicians who operate with technical skills, without risks, and zero impact. For more information, write to

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