Refrigera 2023, Centro Studi Galileo & ATF once again protagonists of the event

Two weeks after the closing of the third edition of Refrigera, the first Italian fair dedicated to the Refrigeration sector, it is time to take a look of what has been achieved during the event.

Every year, ATF and Centro Studi Galileo have experienced two days of intense appointments and meetings, not only engaging with the many professionals who visited the booth to inquire about courses and initiatives, but also organizing and coordinating numerous appointments and meetings.

Training Meetings

Thirteen training sessions were organized directly at the booth, in a dedicated conference room, and live-streamed on November 7th and November 9th. These sessions were attended in person by over 90 industry professionals, who showed great interest in the various presentations. Each presentation lasted approximately 45 minutes and covered technical topics. They were actual mini-courses, aimed at enhancing the skills of technicians by providing direct interaction with the companies and service providers they encounter on a daily basis.

The Conference

On Wednesday, November 8th, the Conference “FROM F-GAS REGULATION TO ALTERNATIVE REFRIGERANTS: IMPACT ON NEW AND EXISTING SYSTEMS – The Latest Technologies in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration; Systems, Equipment, Components, Training and Certification; Phase Down” took place. The event was attended by around a hundred industry experts and was also live-streamed on Facebook. In addition to presenting the conclusions of the 20th European Conference, the event provided insights into the new F-Gas Regulation and its impact on the sector. Various key points were addressed for those working in the HVAC/R field, including the insurgence of heat pumps and energy efficiency measures.

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Institutional Appointments

During the fair, Marco Buoni, CEO of Centro Studi Galileo and Secretary of ATF, had the opportunity to engage with key institutional stakeholders in the sector. He participated not only in a roundtable discussion promoted and hosted by the Associazione Italiana dei Tecnici del Freddo (Italian Association of Refrigeration Technicians), but also met with Domenico Belli, the representative from the Ministry of the Environment, to discuss the future of the refrigeration industry and how the MASE (Ministry of the Environment and Energy Safety) will be implementing the new European regulations in Italy.
